Community Arts Project
Spiderwoman is the mythic Weaver at the center of the Web of life among many Native American spiritual traditions, including the Hopi and the Navajo. We’re all Spiderwoman's grandchildren, weaving the future into the Web of life with the stories we tell, the links we name, and the works of our hands.
In collaboration with artist Kathy Space and Space Studios in Midland, Michigan, we'll be offering a workshop and exhibition based on this theme with community participants. We‘ll be casting our faces and hands to create a group ceramic sculpture, which will include “prayer ties” (in whatever way participants conceive of them) that serve as personal affirmations of our connection and committment to the Web of Life, and to the future.
After being exhibited in August at the Midland Arts Center, participants will be able to take their sculptures home.
Costs will include materials only.
2 sessions - July 30th 6:00 - 9:00
August 6th 6:00 to 9:00
For information: (989) 835-8244
16 N. Winding Drive, Midland, Michigan