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  • Summer is here!

  • mac.rumors
    Oct 20, 10:30 PM

    red nail polish bottle. FOR NAIL POLISH BOTTLES

  • Unorthodox
    Oct 16, 06:11 PM
    Eh, if nobody likes it at least we had fun trying to tape it like 50 times.

    I'll be posting bloopers that happened during recording probably tomorrow seeing as we have another snow day in 60�*weather :D.
    It's amazing how a 45 second video clip can take 300 takes when you're doing it with a friend/s. :)

    Did you fight over who got to be Mac?
    Now that might be funny.

    "I'm a Mac."
    "No, I'm a Mac."
    "No, I'm a Mac."
    "I'M A MAC!"
    "You're a PC and I'm a Mac!"
    "Insults will get you nowhere."
    "You're a PC. You're a PC."
    "PC! PC! PC!"
    "Mac! Mac! Mac!"
    "PC! PC! PC!"

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  • s2dio
    Apr 23, 01:31 PM

    'Nuff said.

    sorry, I should have mentioned that I've checked, and they have no specific directions on that. All they say is "Remove the following ten screws: Two 9 mm Torx Plus screws, Eight 2.6 mm 5-point Pentalobe screws. To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order."

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  • Thames 10ml Round Nail Polish

  • awrootbeer
    Sep 12, 12:26 PM
    Originally posted by edvniow

    Yes, but they were the ones that first came up with the Powermac pic, if I'm not mistaken. :)

    True, but it's because it seems like MB (I can never get the spelling right) just posts anything they sent. They seem to have gotten lucky on that one (if that's what you can call it :-)

    But it's still a fun rumor. Although I would personally prefer their last rumor over it. (Dual G4s)


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  • Any small ottle can be placed

  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 30, 09:34 PM
    Are the processor's all "Desktop" or are they "Mobile"?
    Since this Samsung processor is a 2630 QM (used in the base MacBookPro I believe) The base iMac should have at least that right?

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  • Bottle of red nail polish

  • supercooled
    Jan 2, 05:31 AM
    Is a shorten keyboard ideal to learn playing on? I see Garage Band has some lessons but I would imagine as a beginner, the last thing you want is to adjust knobs and sliders to move up/down the octaves.

    I like the M-Audio Oxygen 25. Looks like a very compact but has a lot of features.

    Any thoughts?


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  • NP2 Beauty Nail Polish

  • From A Buick 8
    May 4, 06:37 PM
    Current iOS on Verizon does not support video airplay

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  • with red nail polish.

  • madmaxmedia
    Jan 29, 04:46 PM
    Darnit. I want to do this too, but I no longer have the Windows machines, only a 20-some megabyte outlook.pst file.

    If you need help, PM me. I don't know how confidential your Outlook data is, but I could do quick export for you.


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  • Prevent your nail polish

  • iBookG4user
    May 4, 01:19 AM
    I've owned a similar iMac G4, sold it a few months ago. It's a pretty nice machine, although it won't be anywhere near as fast as your MacBook Pro. A few things of note to get the iMac purring, definitely check out a RAM upgrade, that model of iMac can support up to 2GB of RAM and it is worthwhile. When you get it download TinkerTool ( and Onyx ( Those two applications can be used to really speed up the Mac, specifically you'll want to disable the dock reflection. If minimizing windows is choppy, you can set it to the Scale effect instead of the Genie effect. Also, instead of the dock icon bouncing when an application opens you can have the indicator below it pulsate. Start to mess with the settings and you'll be surprised at how much life you can breathe into it. :)

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  • Freg3000
    Jul 21, 03:43 PM
    I just grew out of iMovie and am having a little trouble with FCE. I want to capture video from my Sony DV camera. In iMovie, I would click import, and it would make a new clip every time there was a cut on the original tape. I want to do the same in FCE, but can't figure out how do it. I have imported 1 clip by defining the in and out time codes but that took way to long and is impractical for doing hours of footage that way. What am I missing?

    Thanks in advance.


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  • glitter nail polish

  • RGunner
    Dec 15, 03:29 PM
    Have 2 video cards to choose from and an ATA controller if needed?

    ATI Mac Edition 7000 PCI - $40
    ATI Mac Edition 9200 PCI - $80

    ACARD ATA133 6280M Boxed PCI - $50

    Both mint and tested (receipt for warranty available as well I believe but would have to dig through files).

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  • Red Nails Like Ashlee#39;s

  • iMeowbot
    Aug 21, 05:38 PM
    Did you have trouble scaling it to fit the size requirement? ;)
    The sad part is that I did play around with formats and color tables a bit to reduce the size.


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  • stock photo : Nail polish

  • testcard
    May 6, 01:14 AM
    "Battery life is better" is the new "Safari seems snappier".

    These are the ONLY things Apple said about 4.3.3, so what are you people on about?

    Reduces the size of the cache
    No longer backs the cache up to iTunes
    Deletes the cache entirely when Location Services is turned off

    File under �Placebo Effect� ;)

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  • Bottle of red nail polish isolated on white. © Valua Vitaly #6288152. Bottle of red nail polish isolated on white.

  • ChazUK
    Apr 8, 10:22 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRI40) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    Executable code from 3rd party servers?

    If this is what iCab did then Apple should have done this a long time ago.

    Seems strange that they approved it in the first place.


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  • Nail Polish

  • iLucas
    Apr 25, 11:20 PM
    Some new news on the iMac. I got a mini vga to vga adapter today to plug into an external monitor and i get nothing. Nothing on the iMac display and nothing on external display when turned on. What does this mean?

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  • Nail Polish Bottle DCJ-25

  • Eidorian
    Dec 9, 10:56 AM
    I second the heater function. The only problem I have is it takes some time to warm up. Yeah...that's in the room I SLEEP in.


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  • master-ceo
    Mar 13, 06:27 AM
    4.2.1 is not worth it unless you want MIDI and want to loose CCK functionality. Stay on 3.2

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  • red nail polish by OPI.

  • ukpetey
    Mar 20, 07:13 AM
    I've just bought a new iMac and am giving my 13 yr old son my 3 year old iMac, so he can at last move onto a Mac. Benefits are multiple for him and for me, but firstly I'll no longer have to provide 'tech support' to a machine I no longer really understand, and which is always a very frustrating experience.

    I also won't have to listen to his PC fan whining through the house - sounding like a hairdryer! it's a Dell, and it's been truly disappointing!

    Anyway, I wanted to do a clean install on my old iMac - and found this perfect guide. So, thanks very much Hellhammer, a great guide, spot on, and I appreciate very much the time you took to produce it. :)


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  • 3-free nail polish 50% off

  • pcypert
    Jan 17, 11:15 PM
    I got the GT5 Ps3 bundle and am quite happy...except for the idiotic bundling of Grown Ups?????? WTF is that and why on earth would I need that movie on BluRay? Couldn't have done Cars, Bullit (going for 10 dollars anyways and snagged it), Gone in 60 or something car related? It just doesn't make sense.

    But I did save 10 bucks on GT5.

    But yeah they are annoying. All the consoles are due for a price drop but they won't do it for a while so instead they'll do bundles for probably 6 months or so to add "perceived value". Very common marketing tactic for moving old volume. Very typical to see this at this time and it's not really going to change until the end of their life fact I imagine it'll get worse (ie Two games, value cards, etc).


    Dec 16, 05:37 PM
    Without knowing more about your situation, I would suggest that you re-setup your airport from your PB15 using the utility.

    Of course you will need to know the original settings for your ISP before you try this.


    How do I re-setup it? The problem seems to be that it can't find any networks anymore. The reception is zero.

    Jul 1, 10:58 PM
    If think if you hold down a button (either esc, shift, control, option or command:D) when you select shut down it wont come up. I dont remember which button it is and dont really want to experiment;)


    Feb 12, 12:29 PM
    I think I actually found a video of the OP while he was creating this thread: here (


    Clix Pix
    Dec 19, 01:56 PM
    Seemed like a good idea at the time... I guess I made it too literally (you are the apple in my eyes)

    Maybe you could make her pupils small apples?


    Apr 13, 12:24 AM
    Question about incase slider, is it as bad with bubbling up screen protectors as I've heard? The case is EXACTLY what I've been looking for but I NEED a screen protector. I've been looking at the power source hd anti glare.